Form1 Payroll Deposit Form1- Label1 Gross Deposit Gross CatGross Label2 Fed Taxes CatFed Label3 State Taxes State CatState Label4 Local Taxes LocalT % CatLocalT Label5 CatFICA Label6 United Way CatUWay Label7 Other Other1 ( CatOther1 Label8 Other Other2 ) CatOther2 Label9 Other Other3 * CatOther3 Buffer OKButton CloseButton &Close Label10 NET PAY Command1_Click LinkMode LinkTopic AppTop LinkItem2 LinkType COLDZ Label1_Click0 Text1 Caption Command2_Click: Command3_Click Text1_Changex Text2 Text21 Command4_Click Form_Click1 chkvb1 rmdde Register AppExecutable AppDescription AppStatusLine AppClassName% WinCheckTopic Form_LoadZ RegisterAppWithWinCheck TopicLen LenCommand Commanr Command1~ Label2_Click WCExec FillCategories OKButton_Click Gross buffer CloseButton_Click textlen textpos textstart testpos Catergory' CategoryX CatGross CatFed CatStatee CatLocalT CatFICA CatUWayK CatOthero CatOther1 CatOther2 CatOther3 CatOther4 ListIndex recalc total State LocalT Other1 Other2 Other3 Fed_Change Fed_GotFocus Fed_LostFocus] Gross_Change9 Gross_GotFocusL Gross_LostFocus LocalT_Changep LocalT_GotFocus LocalT_LostFocus FICA_Change FICA_GotFocus FICA_LostFocus UWay_Change UWay_GotFocus UWay_LostFocus Other1_Change Other1_GotFocus1 Other1_LostFocusX Other2_ChangeD Other2_GotFocusi Other2_LostFocus Other3_Change| Other3_GotFocus Other3_LostFocus GrossMinusNet GrossPayb NetPay Quite[ quote WCExecNet" WCExecGrossMinusNet WCExecGrossNet WCExecDeductionsD SplitNumber WCExecDeductionQ DDEError1 NO_APP DDEError2 DDEError3 Form_Load These lines set up a topic for DDE Set up your stuff here This line is the executable name payroll.EXE" This line is put in the Menu Payroll Deposit... This line is displayed in the status bar Enter Payroll Check" This line MUST BE the Caption from the Windowi Payroll Deposit" These lines set up a topic for DDE Put your copyright message here, or other startup info RegisterAppWithWinCheck This code will register your application with WinCheck WinCheck|" 2 = COLD [REGISTERADDON:" buffer.LinkMode = NONE The application is not running FillCategories WinCheck|" 2 = COLD GETCATEGORIES" buffer.LinkMode = NONE The application is not running OKButton_Click Make the string here...r WinCheck|" 2 = COLD= [CMISC:CR=X,DESC=" Payroll Net Deposit" [CMISC:CR=X,DESC=" Payroll Gross minus Net" [CMISC:DESC= Payroll Deductions Gross.LinkMode = NONE The application is not running CloseButton_Click recalc Fed_GotFocus Fed_LostFocus Gross_GotFocus Gross_LostFocus LocalT_GotFocus LocalT_LostFocus FICA_GotFocus FICA_LostFocus UWay_GotFocus UWay_LostFocus Other1_GotFocus Other1_LostFocus Other2_GotFocus Other2_LostFocus Other3_GotFocus Other3_LostFocus